
It’s okay until a person is a part of your life and not your life.The level of importance you give someone in your life irrespective of your impact or importance intheir life imbalances your relationship with them after a while. Conflicts are there in everyrelationship...

An artist’s way

Everybody knows the definition of the artist but nobody knows what makes one an artist?. The most obscure part of you which finds a way to express itself. Let it be writing, painting the words and colours used are deep, intense and everything holds some...


Words that initiated,that meant,that held something,that left something,that promised,that understood,that brought a smile,that made you cry,that ruined,that made up,that had lies,that held the truth,that supported,that broke,that healed,that got us through,that had respect,that cared,that was to be said,that you wanted to hear,that remained the same,that changed,that...

Messed up? Ease up.

Things are messed up? Does life seem to be useless? Things are not going in a way you want?  It’s okay. Take a deep breath and keep moving. “Today is complicated, tomorrow won’t be”. You might not be “happy” with your life or say “content”....


Rejection is really a big deal for people to deal with. Can I ask why? How come ‘No’ or ‘Refuse to accept’ is rude. It hurts. Yes, it does but you don’t have to take this in your heart and cry about it rather just...


I look around and wonder, what on earth is going to make people happy? It’s a very tricky question.  Because needs are different at different age. To all the teenagers..   I see people around me are so much relationship oriented and that’s a good...


I loved him,I trusted him,But somehow I feared,To let him come near.As every time he wanted to get intimate,I asked him to wait.So one day…He just went,Because he did not have my consent.I underwent,A lament.I managed to cope,On that slope,As at the end of the...