A mom’s concern

I don’t want a daughter because,
I don’t want her to think that I am biased to her or discriminating,
I just want her to be safe.

I don’t want her to think that I am backward to not let her wear shorts,
I just don’t want her to be the victim of someone else’s bad intention.

I don’t want her to think that I am very strict to not let her out at night,
I just fear to not see her in the morning.

I don’t want her to think that I am not so cool to not let her out with her male friends,
I just have trust issues.
I am just insecure about her.

I want to empower her,
Make her strong,
But I don’t have guts to just leave her.
I don’t want my daughter to suffer.

Talking about empowering and independency is one thing and having guts to send your daughter amongst demons is different.

I don’t underestimate my daughter but I don’t even underestimate the devil either.

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