Can’t we just keep all our grudges, attitude, assumptions aside and talk to the person we think about every day before they walk away… So what if you are always the one to approach, so what if you are the first one to remember them or you are the one to initiate the conversation.. so what?
All this won’t matter when you won’t be able to see them again. There is nothing wrong in always taking the first step or always being the one to approach, doing so doesn’t make you desperate. The feeling that you might not be able to see them again is worse. If your feelings are respected by that person than who goes to whom doesn’t matter. Every time when they were around you waited for the right time but time didn’t wait for you, every time when they were around you waited for them to approach you, they never came you never went. When they are gone without giving you your last hug, without letting you see in their eyes, their smile, without that tender touch and last goodbye, you are left with the twinge of pain in your heart. In the midst of deciding that “going first” or “getting first” you miss out on minor things that makes you regret majorly. After they are gone all this grudges, problems, etc seem so small and cliché but now it’s gone with your “right time”, with your “why always me?”. People might forget you, but not how you make them feel.
Relationships are beautiful and delicate handle them with care… It doesn’t matter how much are you doing but what matters is you did.