An artist’s way

Everybody knows the definition of the artist but nobody knows what makes one an artist?. The most obscure part of you which finds a way to express itself. Let it be writing, painting the words and colours used are deep, intense and everything holds some meaning. It’s that depth in an artist which wishes to be understood and not just appreciate.

It’s the feeling that is been created. An artist way is different because they find it hard to say things therefore they express it by colours or write down their thoughts. They express it in this way for two reasons one because they want to and second because they think their ‘thought’ and ‘they’ are not understood.

An artist tries to connect with the audience and make their art in a way that the audience can connect or relate themselves.

Creativity is to understand and to be understood.

An empty room in which I am sitting alone with the plethora of thoughts figuring out that what is real? the world I am imagining or the world I am living in.

The one who is broken deep down into pieces and tries to put them together, who tries to make a whole new world with the broken pieces is an artist.

An artist unintentionally helps others to find themselves it makes others feel that they are not alone.

Disturbed within and peaceful outside, in between is an artist.
That’s the artist’s way and the way artists are.

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