It’s okay until a person is a part of your life and not your life.
The level of importance you give someone in your life irrespective of your impact or importance in
their life imbalances your relationship with them after a while. Conflicts are there in every
relationship but when the problem is one-sided, then the real problem begins. That point will come in your life when you want to give up. And the thing is you should give up. Every relationship requires space but after a while, you try to erase this space and if it happens every time then you need to stop. It is not that your importance in someone’s life isn’t important but yes the respect, the time you deserve should be given to you.
The problem is with the name you give to your relationship like best, special etc; that shows how important that person is. But guess what? Relationships are not defined by its name; it is based on the level of priority you give it. Similarly, even if a relationship isn’t given a name, the level of importance of that person remains the same. Provided that you want it to. It is a very conflicting scenario; you don’t want to stay but you can’t walk away either.
It is easy for people to state the importance of being understanding and how you will never face any problems that way. I say if it’s always” you who is understanding then LEAVE, not because of ego, but because of your self-respect; because after a point it’s intolerable. You get frustrated with all the tantrums they throw on you. It isn’t like you don’t have life or any personal problem it’s that it’s always just them; their problem that’s it. They will treat you according to their mood, is that fair? Being understanding is not a bad thing but if it’s always just one-way thing and the person is not reciprocating then you need to start thinking where do you stand in their life.
They may talk to you, laugh with you when they want and when they are available and it just sucks having you move around to their schedule.
Sometimes you just need new people who make you the new you. Sometimes you just need to stop and break free. And trust me, that could be the beginning of something new.
Devangshri Dixit