Discovered her in words

Discovered her in words.
She is heartless.
She doesn’t have feelings.
She is a teacher’s daughter.
She is popular.
She is tomboyish.
Was she this? Or there was much more to her.
Akira was in the same school where her mother was a teacher, therefore, other students used to see her with certain respect; they used to think that she might be getting question papers, she might be smart, she is quite popular and people used to address her as “teacher’s daughter.” There was a certain prototype that was set for her any way she had a good time at school as she had an amazing friend though she was not very extrovert she used to talk to everyone actually she had to because then people used to call her “snobby” and “egoistic” she got that too.
She did such things at times, one day when one newcomer approached her and talked to her so did she but when she got annoyed she straight away told her that she doesn’t want to be friends with her. Maybe it was her straight forward nature that gave her labels like “arrogant”.
Years passed by and she completed her boards with an excellent percentage which got her admission in the city college. She was very happy by the way things were going for her she got into one of the city’s best college.
She was very excited about going to a city and on the very first day she made friends it went well for a week or two as they talked and asked about each other and where they live so that they can travel together if possible in that Akira was the one who lives very far many didn’t even know where that town was situated, then they discussed their schools and shared their view on college and professors. She thought it’s all set she got friends and a good college but she was aloof from the difference, the Class difference which she experienced after sometime when her so-called friends started avoiding her, they started passing comments on her; she did notice the change in behaviour but still, she was with them while they literally shunned her and one day she was terribly humiliated; it happened when she bunked a lecture with them and one of the group mates didn’t come, they were waiting for the lift and that’s when one of the snobby girls threw shade on her saying that “one who was supposed to come, didn’t come and one who wasn’t necessary is here.” These words broke her, shattered her. She didn’t understand why they were treating her that way because for her “where she came from” never became a barrier to be friends with someone. Since then she never sat or communicated with them she left that group and made new friends but she felt that something is missing but she couldn’t point out what. She was happy with new friends and they thought she is quite careless as she always bunks and never pays attention. Akira then did a college festival where she made new friends and only when she thought that not everyone is bad and she is having a good college life she got to see the true colours of her friends only after the festival; their attitude changed. She realized they would call her only when there was no one else otherwise no one would ask her.
She cried and cried her heart out she wasn’t comfortable in this state of her for she never knew even she could be emotional or rejected or abandoned or humiliated; this feeling and experiences were alien to her it did not fit in the labels that were given to her of being cool, careless and heartless. She didn’t share any of these with anybody because then she thought it would be an insult and she will be a laughing stock and people will think she is emotional and she didn’t like that because she was conditioned in the other’s idea of her and also because she was tomboyish and boys don’t have a feeling which is kind of considered as cool (one of the stereotype) she hated her tears and her emotional state. She didn’t express and so one day she took a pen and a book and wrote what she was feeling and those words allowed her to be vulnerable, emotional and she discovered her new self in those words. Those words helped her explore the most obscure side of her which she was unaware of, which was blindfolded by the labels she got, by the others view and opinions of her; she actually tried to fit in that idea of other because she never got a chance to look into herself and tell people that “I am this.” She was always popular in school and so in college, she tried to be with popular people because she considered herself as one but she never thought others made her popular just because she was teachers daughter she never knew that people in city judge on the basis of “standards” and if one doesn’t fit into their “standards” they will never take them in their group, she never knew that some people just use others who are inferior and from a small town, she never knew people’s judgment could narrow down to language, geographical locations, looks and standards. She understood the double standards and hypocrisy of the people and as the years passed by and she tried to understand more of “city culture” she realized that even they are not to be blamed as even they are socially conditioned that way. She became matured with her experience and so did her writing because writing gave her a chance to express and the page never judged her, the words were of her choice and not others. She found the peace with the book that she filled, she found herself in the words that she wrote, and she finally had an idea of herself all by herself.
She wrote and decided to share with the public and the reply she got was surprising to her as most of them wrote “I can relate to this”; her experience was experienced by many others; they can resonate with her which is beautiful.
When the feelings in words are relatable,
The humans become more compactible.

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