Education or resume- in what should I invest!

The first thing companies do to hire someone – is to look at their resume. Since a resume conveys a candidate’s education, experience, achievements, it gives an idea to the recruiter whether the candidate is fit for the job or not. We have often heard that hiring managers takes only six seconds to glance at your resumes. And so, to get selected, your resume must stand out. Some websites take money to build your resume so that your resume looks extraordinary. This is the basic way to know the candidate, but should it be the only way to judge a candidate?
People invest a massive amount of money and time in education, we have four semesters, and in that four semesters, we have a minimum of five subjects, in which not even one subject teaches us ‘how to build our resume?’ once we get out of the college or university we realize that in the resume probably, ‘how to put what you have learnt is more important than ‘what you have learnt.’ Then perhaps students after 17 years of education will learn how to build a resume or pay companies to craft their resume. So, they get their dream job! This is how students are constantly paying for their dreams to come true.
The recruiter may never know whether what’s written in the resume is true or false. Here is a thing I believe that whatever you learn between the four walls is entirely different from what you learn on the field. The learning process on the field begins from scratch, and no theory helps you solve the problem until you know how to approach it practically.
Our education system does not prepare us for the practical world hence we lack a practical approach, implementation of the knowledge, solutions and policies. Despite being a post-graduate, MBA or engineer, no student is ever confident about themselves because our education does not teach us to be. Even after getting a degree, a candidate has to train themselves for six months because what we learn in class is different from what we do on the field.
We have to learn everything from scratch- be it getting trained for the job or crafting a resume to get the job in the first place.
The question is-
Will the resume be able to tell you how I will act or behave under pressure?
Will it be able to introduce my capabilities and potential entirely to the recruiters?
Will it convey to the recruiters how I will come up with the solutions?
Will it convey to the recruiter how creative I am?
Maybe, just maybe, it might convey, and the candidate might get hired, but then the recruiters will realize that someone else crafted the resume, and the candidate paid for it after he/she received their first salary.

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