I hope someday you get to see, feel and understand my emotionsI hope you reciprocate to my feelings or at least get aware that somewhere around the corner someone wants you, needs you and want to hold you.
I wish I could tell you how much I want you but its hidden- its hidden In my eyes, my words, my smile, my compliments to you, its hidden in every HEY that I sent you, its hidden within the four walls, on a pillow cover and the most safest place Within; its hidden within me.
My pillows know the story of every tear and four walls knows the dark side of me. I hope your shoulder would have been my pillow and the walls would have been you. I want you to see the most obscure side of me and the best thing will be you will be there by my side. I wish I could tell you but I fear to lose you and I can’t afford to do that because I have lost myself in you already.
Someday – someday I hope you look within me and find all those hidden feelings, hidden insecurities and hidden you.
And if you don’t ever find then I hope that this feeling which is hidden from you should be hidden from me too.
If it can’t be hidden within us then I don’t want within me..