
Overview of European Politics

Europe is a unique and the 6th largest continent in the world. It’s unique because it’s not surrounded by waters bodies on all four sides. In the north surrounded by the Arctic Ocean, in the west by the Atlantic Ocean, in the south Mediterranean Sea and in the east by Russia. It has an area of 10.18 million sq. km with population of 74,72,88,276 (as of 24th September 2019).

Europe is divided among Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Southern Europe and Northern Europe, where Eastern Europe being densely populated and Northern Europe comparatively least populated. Today Europe has 44 countries of which they either practice Constitutional Monarchy or Republic form of government and either Parliamentary system or Presidential system or Semi-Presidential system of government.

Words to Know

  • Constitutional Monarchy:

            It refers to a form of government in which the country is ruled by a Queen or King, but their powers are limited by the constitution as they act only on the advice of the politicians in power who run the country. Thomas Macaulay, a British historian and Whig politician has defined constitutional monarchy as “A sovereign who reigns but not rule.” United Kingdom is the perfect example of a Constitutional Monarchy form of government.

  • Republic:

It refers to a form of government in which the power is in the hands of the public who cast their vote and select a politician from area. In this form of government, the citizens’ opinion on a politician or a political party is very important. France is the best example of a Republic form of government.

  • Parliamentary system:

It refers to one of the types of system which various country uses to govern the country. It’s a democratic form of government where the party which wins with a majority of votes irrespective of it being a coalition victory of single majority victory forms the government by selecting its own Prime Minister or Chancellor. Opposition also plays a vital role in this type of system because with the presence of opposition the ruling party’s actions can be monitored and benefit the nation. Opposition is formed by the parties which is couldn’t meet the majority mark. Ireland practices this type of political system.

  • Presidential System:

It refers to one of the types of system in which the President who is elected by the citizens, is the chief executive. There are three branches to govern the nation i.e. executive, legislative and judiciary. These are independent wings and can’t be dissolve each other. Legislature makes the laws; President enforces the laws and the judiciary is to keep an eye on law and order in the nation. Cyprus is an example of a nation which practices Presidential system of government.

  • Semi-Presidential System:

It is the type of system in which the President and the Prime Minister play an active role in day to day working of the government. France is the best example for this system.

A travel to the past

This journey starts in the year 1557, when the story of Europe was different. All the strong nations like Spain, France, England and Scotland were fighting among themselves to become the most powerful nation. England was the only Catholic rule nation whereas other three were Protestant ruled nation. The rightful heir of the throne of England was Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland who was married to Francis-II, King of France. Instead of Mary Stuart ruling England, Queen Elizabeth-I was ruling England. Queen Mary Stuart and Queen Elizabeth-I were sisters whose father was Henry-VIII of England. Catherine of Aragon was the mother of Mary Stuart and Anne Boleyn was the mother of Queen Elizabeth-I. Marriage of Queen Mary Stuart with King Francis-II was announced when they were kids and Queen Elizabeth-I wasn’t born. The marriage was a sign of political alliance between England and France. The fight for England’s survival was for almost 2 centuries after which England started invading other countries like India.

Back to Present

I would like to share the type of government and system for few European countries. Each country listed here, has selected a form of government and system for a specific purpose. Out of 44 European countries there are only 7 countries which has Constitutional Monarchy as form of government and 37 countries follow Republic form of government. Germany has the highest GDP (as of 2017) among the 37 countries which follow republic form of government. Germany has a GDP of $ 36,77,439 million. United Kingdom has the highest GDP (as of 2017) among the 7 countries which follow constitutional monarchy form of government. United Kingdom has a GDP of $ 26,22,434 million.


Type of Governments

Sr NoCountryForm of GovernmentType of Government System
2BelgiumConstitutional MonarchyParliamentary
5DenmarkConstitutional MonarchyParliamentary
10LuxembourgConstitutional MonarchyParliamentary
12NetherlandsConstitutional MonarchyParliamentary
15United KingdomConstitutional MonarchyParliamentary

This article was written by me for The Economic Transcript, Mithibai Economic Forum, Mithibai College.

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