Now you can earn money just by cuddling others!! And you will be known as a professional cuddler!
This is definitely the weirdest profession but if you go deep down you will understand this. Well, many might have seen in the movies or would have heard or maybe even attended ‘cuddle parties’ but making this a profession is quite new and it is spreading rapidly. Companies like Cuddle up to me and snuggle buddies offers training and certificate in this. Needless to add, there are certain parameters and rules that must be followed by the employer and the employee. Basically, a client might get in contact with the cuddler and then they decide the time and place.
This session may or may not include physical touch it depends upon the client and their needs. In this session, some need spooning and they indulge in physical contact while others simply want a companion with whom they can converse, watch a movie or hang around and be in each other’s company.
It is as simple as that but hey do you know it is even therapeutic!
There is something known as touch therapy wherein the practitioners of therapeutic touch say that “they sense your energy through their hands and then send healthy energy back to you” and this touch makes them feel warm, release their pain and its relaxing. Adding to that, cuddling helps your body release oxytocin which is related to trust, empathy, sexual activity and relationship building. Therefore, studies say that this profession can be therapeutic. And this can certainly help those people who suffer from chronic anxiety, depression, has trust issues and other mental health problems.
As mentioned before that this session might not necessarily include touch than how do you think this can be therapeutic for those who won’t prefer physical touch? Well, some clients communicate, share their feelings, they express what’s bothering them and some even cry their heart out which is not less than catharsis meaning humans express their repressed emotions which eventually releases their stress. This does not mean that Professional cuddlers are psychologist and psychologists certainly can indulge themselves into any such contact they have to keep them separate otherwise it is unethical but yes psychology studies have a lot to offer into this sessions.
Therefore “Professional Cuddling” not only help an individual earn but also provides help to another individual by nurturing their emotional, physical and mental needs. Somehow they help the other person heal emotionally and mentally and create a very secure and safe space where there are only warmth and empathy and no judgements.