A typical 17-years-old millennial, I have formed opinions about, almost everything in this world. I currently study humanities at Mithibai College. I love to read about political controversies and be updated with them. I also enjoy reading crime, suspense novels. I even watch crime and rom-com films. I write poems, on political issues, nature, and women empowerment. I find writing a way to escape from the busy reality. But, my writings are only privy to my grandparents and parents. But it is time that I push my boundaries and take feedback from others. I have heard we must take up challenges to improve ourselves. This will also motivate me to write more and improve it. Although I am in the 12th grade and my exams are coming up, I would like to explore this platform. Apart from this, I aim to join the foreign services of India. Lockdown has allowed me to explore this domain. I also love to travel, sadly, that is not a possibility at the moment. But by reading more and more, I travel to different places. I also love to learn new languages, a trait I have received from my grandpa. I am currently learning German, I would also like to learn Spanish. Through this blog, I would like to explore myself, my strengths, and weaknesses. It will be quite an adventure and I look forward to it.
- info@ownyouropinion.in