Messed up? Ease up.

Things are messed up? Does life seem to be useless? Things are not going in a way you want?  It’s okay. Take a deep breath and keep moving. “Today is complicated, tomorrow won’t be”. You might not be “happy” with your life or say “content”. You might feel that you are useless or the path you are standing at is taking you absolutely nowhere. You see other people smiling, happy, focused, successful which might give you complex. Don’t compare your life or yourself with others because you are not a mirror to copy the actions of the people out there. It’s okay. It happens you are a human being after all. Just divert your attention on the fact that this phase of yours is helping you grow a little, learn something out of it, take small steps and keep moving… Such phases make you stronger, matured. It makes you meet a whole different person, that you were unaware of till now! It helps you find a new you in this chaos. And that new person surely knows the solution.

This saying called “Nothing lasts forever” is so relevant. It applies from people to circumstances to problems to phases..they all pass, they all leave.


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