Forever is a lie.
You proved it right… you promised that you won’t break the promise but you did, you said you will never leave but you left.
I remember how you used to hold my hand and smile at me so innocently as if everything is fine as if I will always be fine.
“Take Care,” that’s the last voice message I got from you and you knew this all along that I am not capable of doing that myself.
I will always have those kisses, embrace and cuddling with me which I have framed and hanged in our “Soul Mates” room. That room where there are large frames which shows our love and romance. I still remember your face when I first introduced you to that room and…
I would never forget that tears in the corner of your eye,
I would never forget that inseparable and unbreakable hug that you gave me,
I would never forget that passionate kiss that you gave me,
I would never forget that night when we were naked in each other’s arms, feeling the warmth of our bodies, you were on top of me playing with my hair, smiling while looking at my face and talking,
I never knew that you will leave without a last goodbye.
Now, I am holding you near me but you are not talking, you are not hugging me back or playing with my hair, you are just lying in my arms. Still. Not moving. Dead.
Doctors said you are dead…
I told them that you promised me that you will never leave.
They did not say anything and they left me with you.
It’s been 5 hours and you still won’t talk.
Is that it? You leave me like this.
On the last day of love, he experienced his first Ever pain.