
Helloooo!! (Excited wave of hand)

You mentally waved back, didn’t you? ;D

If you did, you’re an imaginator!

If you didn’t, you’re a realist!

I’m both! So I appreciate your presence either way!! Hahaha! XD

Let me tell you an ancient secret.

My brain does weird things when it’s bored or doesn’t feel too involved in the things at hand. :$

It loves to question the realest of things and agrees to the existence of an imaginary object,

situation, person, basically anything and everything that can be imagined. ^_^

I’m here to share the secret weirdness of my brain with you lovely people in the form of

whatever it finds itself capable of making my hands type, be it a terribly tiny patch of mixed

words or an elegant written peace of absolute beauty that you wouldn’t be able to have enough

of. So, hop on the train to unravel this age old secret of weirdness with me.

Feel free to crib about anything and everything that your brain tells you to but don’t expect

encouragement for the same. Thank You! 🙂

P.S.: I am a part of various fandoms, so please let me know yours when you see it or even

when you don’t. 😉
