She was as lost as any human is right now on this earth. She wanted to be fearless, explore the world, find herself, set goals, follow her dream and find herself. She did start to find her way but due to network issue couldn’t reach as she was navigating herself on Google maps. She actually reached somewhere where she couldn’t trace herself. She started searching for the network and adjusted herself as per the need of the network. She finally got a network and chance to explore the world, travel new places and make new memories and that’s what she did without wasting her single minute. She explored and saw those beautiful lakes and scenery, mountains and its peaks, waterfall and sailing and she also surfed not on the lake she loved but on the phone as she explored on Instagram and not the actual roads.
While surfing she came across the picture that showed a woman started her new company and in a year she became a business tycoon. And that post made her think about her life and career. Her dream is to be a writer and instead of working on it she ends up looking at other dreams coming true through an Instagram post and will start judging herself. But what she didn’t see is her procrastination and that person’s effort.
She scrolled down ignoring her feelings and came across her ex who had a picture of him partying, she opened his profile and saw he was enjoying his life with pubs, beers and girls. She all of sudden was sad and kept the phone aside and in no time, not even a second she again took her phone and started surfing this time she was looking at memes and was smiling as whatever was written was relatable. Some funny, some sad, some loading, she again lost her network and was searching for the same.
Her struggle to find herself never stopped as it never started for her efforts to find the network was more persistent than finding herself. She never realized that road she was searching was outside the door, the fearless feeling would come only when she walked out and face the real, live humans and gain the experience.
That phone in your hand right now, you think you are holding it actually it is holding you from seeing the real world. The journey should be amongst the people, ask people about the road and not maps because when you will lose your network you won’t be able to trace yourself back but people will help you find yourself. They are not that bad.
Keep your phone aside and think where you can go, where you wanted to go, what makes you happy, where is that lake actually.
The caption of the post never told you the story of the picture it was only copied from Google.