I look around and wonder, what on earth is going to make people happy? It’s a very tricky question. Because needs are different at different age.
To all the teenagers..
I see people around me are so much relationship oriented and that’s a good thing their need to be recognized, belongingness, loving, being loved and everything that one relationship includes. Amazing to see everyone somewhere is waiting to get that ‘ONE’ in their life.
But hold on guys, do you think this is the only thing to worry about? No.
I don’t know what your relationship status is but if you are single, feeling lonely, rejected, or not happy in general let me tell you “wait for it” it will come.
Shift your attention to something productive, find inspiration, watch motivational videos. Now I know many of you will think that no videos and book can inspire me, you are right no one can inspire you unless it’s within, but trust me in that one hour video or two hundred page book there will be one line, one word, one sentence or one dialogue that will help you change, that will hit you and make you realize certain things or answer your question probably you never know!
You need to have a hobby, passion let it be anything jogging, dancing, reading any minute thing will do just shift your attention to something you like and everything else will be insignificant.
Think about your career, how will you achieve your dream, if you don’t have one start having one.
It doesn’t need to be big but have one because you need something to look up to and push yourself.
Concentrating on something creative or successful will make you feel active and rich. Don’t just think to implement it with small steps but start. Start to learn not to end.
If you really want someone forever,- ‘wait just wait’ because love is deep when you fall for it even after seeing the cautious board and relationship is awesome when you just slip into it unknowingly. If you want forever then have patience because “Forever takes time” it’s a big thing.
There is so much to life than just relationships. It is important but not the only important thing.