Earning is very important. We have to earn for our survival. Without earning it will be very difficult to survive. But is money an enough earning? Presenting my story of self realization.
I was very stressed that day. Another colleague of mine was placed in a multinational company with a hot shot package. Upset I went back to doing those boring sums from my boring big fat book. I had been preparing for n number of competitive exams for n number of reasons. I wanted to escape this shaadi karlo madness, peer pressure, luxurious lifestyle etc etc… My main target has been to get into a big B school, get placed and earn day-night. Unlike my friends, I couldn’t afford to fly to some western country. Opening any social media sites gave me heart attacks. Either someone was getting married or someone was on an exotic vacation or someone had just got into an IIT (or maybe IIM) or someone is in a big MNC earning lakhs.
Besides studying, I started working as a teacher in a local school. Since it was a relative’s school I didn’t bother about money. I attended school in the morning and studied the whole night. I liked this stress because school wasn’t stressful in fact it was such a joy to be there. I started liking the students and obviously they liked me too.
Days passed by. While I was enjoying my little happiness, my exams came near. I had quit school with a heavy heart. I kept on studying hard. After all, it had been two years since my graduation that I had been struggling. I just wanted to crack it.
After my exams, our school(where I studied till 12th) had a reunion. It was such a great feeling to see friends after a long. Moreover, it was the best stress buster after exams. I got all dressed and reached the venue. I was so excited. I entered the school, met a few known faces and then finally saw my gang. We had so much fun back in school. Everyone was the same. We had a jolly time. Then everyone started discussing what I didn’t want to hear,
“I got into IIT, Mumbai.” said Samira.
“I am flying to California next week with my family. The trip is sponsored by my office” boasted Sanchita.
“I recently got a BMW.” said Jane.
“What are you doing these days?” came the question flying to me.
I was frozen. What am I supposed to answer? I was a part time teacher. I hadn’t got into some top college nor am I going to some happening trip.
“I am a teacher” I murmured.
All of them started laughing. I was red faced. They said, “How many coins do you earn?” Crying I left. I was really upset. I hated myself for being such an unsuccessful girl.
The next day I went to school to return some books in the library. I met the principal.
She said,”Rachita, why don’t you join the school again? The kids miss you.”
“I am sorry, madam. I have some other plans.” I said.
“Okay. At least meet the students before you leave.” she said while walking away.
It was lunch time and I went to the canteen. Some of my students spotted me having coffee. They gathered around me in joy. Slowly, all the students who knew me came down to canteen to meet me. Some girls started crying. Many (or I should say all of them) asked me to join the school again.
“You people do so much of mischief. I am not coming back,” I laughed.
They promised me that they would never give me a chance of complain. I was touched by their gratitude. The next moment I decided to join school again.
That day I realised what I had earned. I had earned what is precious than any of the riches in the world. I had earned respect, love and above all a noble profession.